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Director- Dawn Epstein

Director, screenwriter, and producer Dawn Epstein

Currently a student at Harvard Extension School, concentrating in visual studies, Dawn produced award-winning work in photography, landscape, and software, for companies like Parker Brothers, Lotus Development Corp, Balzers, Centronics, and her own landscape design firm. She shared her visual journey in the book "Connecting the Dots", which can be seen in full or ordered below.  (An autographed copy is available in the store, and proceeds above printing costs will be used to fund this project.)

Admittedly, film production is a new endeavor, and Dawn has been learning at a rapid pace.  In twelve short weeks, she wrote the script, developed storyboards, assembled an amazing cast, and produced two test scenes from the Trippers script.  Encouraged and supported by her instructors, she has produced a schedule and budget with the goal of wrapping this film by August of 2015, for submission to the 2016 Sundance festival.

So, what makes that goal even remotely likely?

Whether coordinating teams across the globe to produce video games or working with heavy-equipment operators, stone masons, and carpenters, Dawn has a long track record of producing complicated projects on time, on budget, and with respect for craftsman and craftsmanship alike.

In many respects, film production presents the same challenges. Making a paper idea come to life requires collaborative, trust-based management of creative, intelligent team members; balanced individual artistic integrity with group cohesion; quality work on intangibles; on-the spot problem-solving; and accountability for budgets and timely deliverables.

Above all, she understands that small details carry stories that pull us out of our comfort zone and into touch with something bigger than ourselves.  Trippers culminates a lifetime of investigation into that magic.

 snow on furniture, crossing the beautiful boundary from the world we understand to the unknowable...