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Sound: Matt Hayes

Post-production provided at Wellspring Sound in Acton, MA.

Sound was a struggle. Not one audio person who signed up to help actually showed up to shoot -- and that was because we couldn't pay more than an unexpected wedding gig.  Despite our best efforts, with a mix of mics and recording devices, and the ambient noise that comes from shooting in the wild, the sound was pretty uneven.  Enter Matt Hayes! who soothed the audio feathers, blended the takes, and balanced levels into a more unified whole.  

For our next production, we will be hiring a full-time  sound engineer, to make Matt's job easier.  So:

Do you create sound that people linger in like a warm bath?

Do you respect your actors and team mates, and know how to deliver the best quality of their voices?

Do you have dreams of multidimensional sound designs?

Do you love acoustic music?

Do you want to be a part of our ensemble of crew and cast members for multiple projects?

No matter how much you know now, will you learn more, take risks, show up, deliver, and give your best?

Do you like to laugh?

So, yes, lots of questions, but we believe sound plays a pivotal, nuanced role in our films, and we're looking for a team member who can hear the best in people, in places, in life. Is that you?

If so, give us a call or drop us a note with pointers to some of your gentlest, most people-centric work. We'd love to meet you!