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How to Help

You Can be Part of the Magic

Movie-making, even a small indie project like ours, consumes time and resources. Actors and crew, even when working for the love of it, still need to eat, sleep, and move from place to place. Props, even funky household objects, have to be purchased and managed. Sets need to be built. Location fees need to be paid.

We even need to hire police officers to control crowds and cars while we shoot in public.

So, no gift is too small. And one of the most powerful things you can do to bring this story to life is to share it with your friends.  Like our Facebook page, and share your trippers. 

If you can contribute, check out our Kickstarter page. We have lots of great perks! You might even be able to appear in the film!

What you should know: we are going to make the film, and submit it to festivals. We will have a premiere party and screening. You will have an opportunity to see it, on a big screen. At least once.

That may be all we ever do, because the world is full of amazing films from awesome artists.  So, while we can be certain your name will be in the credits, we can't be certain of how far the story will reach. But your support extends that reach by improving the quality of all we do.

Thank you!

(And spread the word: Trippers.)