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Contact Us

We'd love to meet you in person and discuss this project, or one of your own! You can try dropping by the office but since we're often out shooting, it may be best to call ahead. Leave a message letting us know when you'd like to come by!



Stockbridge Epstein Design is a woman-owned, full-service visual design firm with special expertise in landscape, UX, digital imagery, AutoCAD, film formats from 35mm to 4x5, digital photography, and video production.

We have our own large format print capability.

Contact us to discuss how we might add to your firm's presentation capabilities with our services:

  • existing conditions and documentary photography
  • poetic conceptual images for client presentation
  • artwork for publication
  • video storytelling

Our Address


104 Hubbard St
Concord, MA 01742

Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm
Saturday/Sunday by appointment only