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And We're Off! Festival Applications Submitted!

A Zen ghost story meets the New England coast, as a young Rockport widow battles a quirky and mysterious shopkeeper to save her ancestral home from foreclosure.

Set in Rockport, Massachusetts...

Set in Rockport, Massachusetts...

Meet the cast...

Meet the cast...

Get in touch...

Get in touch...

Well, we are done! We'd would love to share the result with you, but as you know we need to keep everything under wraps as we seek festival consideration.  Those of you who have participated will receive an invitation to our private preview party in Rockport.  This is for friends and family of the cast, crew, and "trippers" providers and not open to the public.  If you haven't received an invitation in the mail by October 20, please send us a note! and we'll do our best to make sure you get one.  If we talked during the shoot, or you think you may be in the film, please, also, drop us a note and a photo! We'd love to include you, too, if we can.  If this list doesn't include you, please keep your eyes on this space! We'll announce all festival invitations and future distribution arrangements here.

For reviewers and festival use only! Sorry. Password required. Trailer coming, soon! If you have the password, click on the image above, and enter it into the box.  To watch full screen, after the movie starts, click on the full-screen icon. (Little box with four arrows.)